What is a bullet journal?
A bullet journal is a combination of a to-do list, a planner, and a diary. The bullet journal is very flexible it can include any variation or amount of the sections most commonly included in a bullet journal.Sections of a bullet journal
This is a table of contents that allows you to easily find sections of the journal that you want to revisit.Future log
A Future Log is just a fancy name for a year calendar, this is meant to be used for important events, to-dos, and notes for the months throughout the year.Tracking pages
These are pages you can set up to track things over time, for example I have a page for books I want to read and movies I want to see.Monthly log
This is where you can set up an overview of the coming month, you can put things like birthdays, appointments, and events here. You can also include a second page to your monthly log to list your monthly to-dos.Monthly trackers
A monthly tracker is set up so that you can track habits throughout the month, in my bullet journal I am tracking healthy habits and I have an activity log.Weekly log
A weekly log is a more detailed version of a monthly log, this could be helpful if you have many appointments or tasks to complete in any given week.Daily log
A daily log can include everything you have going on that day and can also be used to jot down notes and thoughts you have throughout the day.More ideas
These are just some of the basic sections of a bullet journal, beyond that you can include a section to cater to your specific needs. To give some examples, here are some things I include in my bullet journal:Meal planner
Here I create a weekly meal plan that I use to create a shopping list.Doodle page
I love to doodle so I included a doodle page in the middle of my daily logs.Personal projects
I have included pages for my personal projects, here I write down the purpose of the project, my end goal, my process, and any struggles or success I have.Blog topics
I have a to-do section with different blog topics that I want to exploreThe possibilities are endless, your journal could be as complex or as simple as you need.
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